“The Flying Librarians”, is the first Public Benefit Flying non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization (NP-NGO) in Eastern Mediterranean. They were created by passionate Aerospace Professionals and they are the first and only existing Organization, filled under the auspices of General Secretariat of Civil Protection of the Hellenic Republic, which Founding Body is fully comprised by Active Volunteer Pilots. “The Flying Librarians” are the most experienced Public Benefit Flying Organization in Europe.
“The Flying Librarians” Volunteering Aspects, bring us together, towards an Inspiring Goal, to share Aviation and Aerospace knowledge for the Young Generations to come. Our Volunteering Actions expand to a range of Angel Flights, helping non-ambulatory patients reach their health aid spot, Nature Surveillance and Monitoring, Aerospace Book sharing and Library donating and Blood-Giving rallies. “The Flying Librarians” active Members are Professionals, Pilots and Engineers, Doctors and Medics, Aviation Enthusiasts, Publishers and Authors, University Professors and Public Education Teachers, who offer their Enthusiasm, by enhancing Accessibility to Remote Island and Inland Regions of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea and Cyprus Areas.
Our Members having gathered a deep International Experience in the Area of Public Benefit Flying are now serving our Regions, being totally in touch with International Organizations and Associations like (mentioned as example) these of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), of the Aircraft Owners Pilot Association (AOPA) U.S.A, of the Open Aircraft U.S.A. and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) U.S.A. Our broad experience on this sector led the General Secretariat of Civil Protection of the Hellenic Republic to recognize “The Flying Librarians” as a non- profit organization, the first Greek Volunteering Aerospace Body, nominating their efforts by listing their existence under the Auspices of the Ministry for the Western Greece Sector.
Working in parallel on scientific research, “The Flying Librarians” proposed the model of their Structure as the Optimum for start-up public benefit flying NGOs. In cooperation with a team of researchers of the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki, the first State University in Greece to teach in English, they published their portfolio of Ideas, on how to organize, manage and lead through growth an innovative high tech organization. “The Flying Librarians” participated to conferences addressing Key Players for Start – Up NGO Businesses in the Balkans for the years to come.
Growing Strong “The Flying Librarians” operate a Fleet of three (3) General Aviation (G.A.) Aircraft, serving their Goals and Promoting Civilization in the Sensitive Area of Eastern Mediterranean. With our Fleet we Monitor Sensitive Areas, protecting them from Wild Fires during summer or Devastation during winter times. Many “NATURA” areas have already being covered by our Flights, while many “UNESCO” Protected Archeological Sites are constantly covered by our Surveillance Sensors. More specific, these aircraft are used for Volunteers Training, Public Benefit Flying, Air Patrolling, Monitoring and Disaster Reporting, Aviation Photography and Film Making, Aero Surveying and Rapid Material Deliveries, Fire- Fighting Forces Coordinating and Natural Disasters Mapping.
“The Flying Librarians” are in Real – Time contact with all Major Civil Protection Organizations in Local, National and International Level, ready to support Joint Efforts wherever and whenever needed.
“The Flying Librarians”, by ensuring the protection of Cultural Traditions and Ancient Sites of Interest, are deeply involved and fully connected with the Greek International Diaspora, all these Respected and Honored Compatriots that live through all over the World. Their Support to our Aims and Actions is continuous and generous, as “The Flying Librarians” united we stand to forge our Alliances.
“The Flying Librarians” have played a vital Role in Alleviating the Pressures of the Refugee Crisis, while helping People just where it is most needed. In the Front Line. Through Flight Monitoring, Public Benefit Flying, Surveillance Volunteering and Medical Equipment Donating, we have proven our commitment to the Mankind and the Human Needs.
“The Flying Librarians” donated, during FY2016, over one thousand Kg. of Bandage Related, Medical Trauma Repair and Physio Recovery Kits to the People that mostly used them, the Para Rescuers of the Search and Rescue Squadrons of the Hellenic Republic. We were publicly praised for our contribution.
“The Flying Librarians” support over seven (7) Youth Libraries with Aerospace Related Publications. In tight cooperation with “Hellenic Aerospace Library” and “ΕΛ.ΙΝ.Α.ΑΣ.”, the Hellenic Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, “The Flying Librarians” donated all the needed for the Start-Up Creation of Aerospace Publishing Firms and Aviation Photography Companies.
“The Flying Librarians” are the most experienced Public Benefit Flying Organization in Europe. We fully encourage Scientists and Researchers to Contact our Members and benefit from our broad Experience – Portfolio, while sharing their views on things to be improved for our common beneficial Future.
“The Flying Librarians” welcome new Members. Our rich variety of Actions would not be possible without our Skilled Members all over the World. If You believe in Aviation for Humanity you can join our Team. Your skills would be valuable for us, while Your Voice will join ours, not only over the Radio, but towards the Hearts and Souls of the People in Need, towards the Will of the Youth Generation, who project their Hopes to a Better Aerospace Tomorrow for our Region. Send us Your Resume and join our Formation in this nice Flight for Humanity.
«THE FLYING LIBRARIANS» focur their priorities on :
- Promoting the Air and Aeropsace Idea and the Air Spirit
- The dissemination of Aeronautical, Aerospace and Aviaition Technics and Knowledge.
- The consolidation and expansion in all Greek Geographical Departments of the Hellenic Aerospace and Aviation Library.
- The dissemination, collaboration and contribution of Air Libraries in Greece and Abroad.
- Contributing and strengthening the prospects of the Hellenic Aviation Chamber.
- In enhancing Air Accessibility of accredited and disadvantaged areas of Greece.
- In the Air and Space protection of the Environment, Monuments of Cultural Heritage and Natural Biotopes.
- In providing assistance to State and State-supervised Organizations in the work of protecting the lives, health and property of the Citizens from natural, man-made and other hazards (large-scale floods, fires, earthquake, industrial / technological accidents) during the duration of the peace period.
- In the care of material and cultural goods, resources and infrastructures of our country.
- To contribute to the movement and exchange of Technical and Technological Information, Human Resources and Media and to the Synergies between the Agencies, so that with the interventions and the contribution of each one, to promote Aerospace Ideal.
- In the organization of Aerospace Exhibitions, Festivals, Demonstrations and Conferences, Seminars, Scientific Symposiums and Lectures with a view to informing and mobilizing Citizens and Scientific and Constructive Organizations.
- In the publication of books, magazines, studies, monographs, essays, albums, photo exhibitions and video collections capable of contributing in any way to the achievement of the above objectives.
- In the Union of Efforts, Cooperation, Federalization and Networking between Local Voluntary and Aeronautical Organizations, Airports at the Pan-Hellenic-Pan-European-World level.
- The creation of a “knowledge community” and an information bank for Aeronautical and Aerospace Action Volunteers and the overall contribution to the promotion and enhancement of Actions in the areas of Environment, Culture, Social Care, Quality of Life and Education.
- The creation and operation of a Thematic Portal on the Internet, which will also serve as a database / electronic Hellenic Aviation and Aerospace Library
- To inform and educate social groups, young people and women about the necessity and benefits of Air Volunteerism and its means of realization.
- In the provision of supportive services aimed at Aviation and Aerospace Education and Transfer of Know-How, in order to better support the dissemination of the Aviation Idea.
- In Search of Logistics from Public Bodies and Social Partners
- In conducting studies and conducting information campaigns, promoting primary and applied research across the range of scientific and social fields of interest.
- The participation of “THE FLYING LIBRARIANS” in cooperation with organizations, national or foreign natural or legal persons, Educational Institutions and Organizations, in actions and National and European programs, aiming at the Promotion of Aerospace Volunteerism, in the acquisition of Specializations and Professional Directions of such , Which in turn will increase employability, diversify human resources and reduce unemployment.
Our Vision is served through Voluntary Actions and Major Programs.
Στατιστικά Στοιχεία
Οι «THE FLYING LIBRARIANS» αποτελούν τον πρώτο (1ο) και μοναδικό μέχρις στιγμής Οργανισμό Εθελοντών Πιλότων και Αεροπόρων στην Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη και στην ευρύτερη Λεκάνη της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου.
Ιδρύθηκαν στην Ελλάδα τον Μάρτιο του 2013 και λειτουργούν αντλώντας πρότυπα από τους τριάντα οκτώ (38) υπάρχοντες Οργανισμούς Κοινωφελών Πτήσεων των Η.Π.Α. (Public Benefit Flying Organisations – U.S.A.)
Σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη οι «THE FLYING LIBRARIANS» αποτελούν την πρώτη αμιγώς Αεροδιαστημική Εθελοντική Ομάδα και επεκτείνουν διαρκώς τη συνεργασία τους με αντίστοιχους διεθνείς φορείς.
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